“ Transformational is the only term that I found to describe the impact of this program.”

“This program helped me put into practice habits that have made me a better person all around”
Proven Methodology to Enhance Your Life Permanently in 100 Days or Less
The Secret Key to Being Happier at Home, at Work and in Life.
‘The Do Something Wonderful Protocol’
June 13, 2023
Download Chapter 1 of ‘The Do Something Wonderful Protocol’
Special Welcome to 'The Do Something Wonderful Protocol'
Top 10 Benefits of Practicing
'The Do Something Wonderful Protocol'
1. Improved relationships with loved ones.
2. Greater inner peace.
3. New found hope and optimism.
4. A larger social community.
5. Experience more gratitude throughout the day.
6. Spiritual Independence.
7. More positive outlook on life.
8. Greater productivity and creativity.
9. Feelings of fulfillment as you take part in making the world a better place.
10. A strategy for finding balance between self care and caring for others.
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What's 'The Do Something Protocol'?
‘The Do Something Wonderful Protocol’ is a 100 Day personal journey where you focus on others four to five days per week and once or twice on yourself. The every day focus recalibrates your brain to think of others in a new light without expectation of anything in return. This book will illustrate my personal journey, demonstrate the pros and cons of various activities and provide a personal work-out to help you start and finish your personal journey.
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About Gene

Gene Pranger
Creator & Author
A popular figure in the consumer products and financial services industry, Gene has created and worked on some of the most well known products in the world. He was an Advertising Executive who guided some of the most well known global brands and new product introductions for Healthy Choice, Anderson Window Centers, Hormel Products, General Mills, Bank of America, Wells Fargo, US Bank, Toronto Dominion along with hundreds of Credit Unions across North America. Gene went on to design over 500 retail bank branches and is credited for inventing the Video Banking ‘Interactive Teller Machines’ and ‘Mobile Video Banking’. He now holds more than 31 US patents for his creations. Ten years ago Gene developed ‘The Do Something Wonderful Protocol’ to help relieve some of the inner mental turmoil he was experiencing. This self-proven methodology has provided a positive lifestyle for those who are suffering from loneliness, isolation, low self-esteem, feelings of entrapment and general unhappiness to find greater inner peace and sustained happiness.